Landowner Infomation and Fire Permits.
Who do I talk to about burning on my property?
If burning in an area more than two metres in any direction, you must obtain a Permit to Light Fire through the fire warden.
In Queensland, the use of fire is controlled through the volunteer Fire Warden network. Fire Wardens are voluntary officers responsible for safe rural fire management within their community. Fire Wardens are appointed under the Fire & Emergency Services Act 1990 provisions. This act provides the powers and functions of Fire Wardens.
Fire Wardens control the use of fire through the issue of Permits to Light Fire. Once you have spoken to the Warden, you can request that the Rural Fire Brigade carry out the burn as a training or hazard reduction exercise. It is acceptable to donate to the Brigade as a method of showing your support to your community brigade.
For further information about lighting fires in Queensland visit: Queensland Fire Department.
Do I call Closeburn Brigade if I see smoke or fire?
No - The first call when you suspect a fire is to 000 (fire).
Give the operator a description of what you see, where it is and your contact details. The operator will prompt you for further information if required. The Firecom operator will then alert whichever Brigade covers the area of the incident & task them to the fire.
Can I ask for advice on Fire Safety and home Preparation?
Yes. An email to the brigade, and we can arrange for a qualified firefighter to visit your property and offer advice on preparing your home to protect you and your investment best. There is no charge for this or any other Brigade assistance, but donations are always welcome.
Who are my Closeburn and Cedar Creek Fire Wardens?
The Fire Wardens for the Closeburn Fire Brigade area are:
Myles Primary Fire Warden, Closeburn/Cedar Creek – 0409 661 353.
Neil Fire Warden, Closeburn/Cedar Creek – 0403 986 801.